View Full Version : Something to keep in mind...

Feb 27th, 2012, 05:32 PM
I just wanted to throw this out there and give everyone some food for thought...
Keep in mind that the beginning of the story is kicked off by Michael saying that he's gonna go through everything from the beginning to try and make sense of it and there has not yet been a "present time" established. (Side note: I'm not too sure that KC is still going with it because kelly and pegs were narrating and saying their thoughts for a little while in these last few episodes and michael should not know what their thoughts were). But if this is true, then that means that at least victor and saul meet back up with michael at some point; how else would he know their story of what they've been going through since the tower collapsed?

Feb 27th, 2012, 06:57 PM
If you want to take the meta approach...a simple solution to the stories lack of present tense...they're all dead...each character is reliving the moments that they remember the most clearly from their ends...so we're alive alive?....no...were alive :D

Good first post!...welcome to the forum!

Apr 9th, 2012, 08:53 PM
First off, welcome.

Isn't the point of the journals to provide points of view other than Michael's, thereby making the story far more entertaining? So, in one respect, you are correct. Michael would not necessarily 'know' their thoughts, however within the context of the shifting P.O.V. via journal entries... he does, as he is reading their thoughts as they were recorded. As for Saul and Victor's survival? They could both die in this chapter or the next, never having seen Irwin or Michael. All that needs to happen--as Kalani's Opus has shown us--is Michael just needs to get his hands on their journals. Either through CJ or Lizzy (after she's set free by Scratch. Just you wait. It's coming.).

Cromulent Frog
Apr 11th, 2012, 08:15 PM
If there's one thing I've learned about KC's writing is that he can throw a good twist into the story. I've stopped trying to get that deep into it and have tried to key in how he does it. I've tried writing a few stories myself although nothing this complex (or that developed for that matter).

I think some major characters are going to have to be killed off soon or confirmed that they've been killed off. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point. I feel strongly though that those we hear in the story make it through. Those we don't know are simply up for grabs. I'd say Kalani is the only one that I can confidently say is dead. You'd have be a zombie to be able to walk away from a heli crash.

Apr 22nd, 2012, 10:42 PM
ok i got a couple of theories i want to put out there.
1st. what if the reason that "the One with the Markings" did not attack Skittles was because he knew he was mentally unstable. Ink was being held in an insane asylum because he was crazy, he later on became Paul/the one with the Marking. What if he knew that unstable people would become (or at least could become) "smart" zombies. he might not have wanted to risk infecting Skittles.
2nd. Tanya. if Tanya was naturally immune to the zombie blood, then she might have learned through an experience. (a.k.a. a bite/attack early on) if she did learn that she is immune then she would most likely want to run tests on how the zombie blood works.(that's why she was so interested in the journals, and the experiments) so if Tanya is immune she might be able to pass it down to her kids. also when she got to the tower it sounded that she knew that Saul couldn't possibly be infected. (i think Burt's shot went threw Tommy and got stuck in Saul)
3rd. i think CJ purposely gave Victor the yellow air tank because she knew she didnt fill the tank all the way. she wanted to do some tests, and figgured they would be good Guinea pigs.
well those are my thoughts so far. everyone let me know what you think.

Apr 22nd, 2012, 11:42 PM
Maybe he's reading his journals to Michael Jr. and baby Pegs as bed time stories. Wait a second, this isnt the crackpot theories and thoughts thread!