View Full Version : Green Eyes... Lizzie got green eyes

Feb 16th, 2012, 05:45 PM
So what is going to happen to Lizzy? The tower is wrecked. Scratch will probably not have another opportunity like this. So what is the value Lizzy? Green Eyes.

Michael makes the observation that Ink has clear green eyes when they confront him in the tower. This very unlike the eyes of the other zombies. In fact, one of the thing people say to check after a close call is the eyes.

Datu says that Samantha has green eyes.

So ink has green eyes
Samantha had green eyes
Lizzy has green eyes.

Is any other eye color mentioned? Do you know the eye color of any other character? I can only think of one. In chapter 1 Michael says Pegs dark eyes drew him to her. Have I missed any?

Are green eyes a genetic marker for something important to the zombies?

Wading further into the deep end, The woman killed at the golf course is a red head. Red heads often have green eyes.

Feb 16th, 2012, 05:52 PM
Alright....mind=blown...how have we missed all this?

Feb 16th, 2012, 06:04 PM
Alright....mind=blown...how have we missed all this?

We haven't. It's been brought up in a few different threads.

Feb 16th, 2012, 06:19 PM
Oops...did I speak of myself as more than one person again?...we...I mean I, really need to stop that

Feb 16th, 2012, 06:26 PM
Oops...did I speak of myself as more than one person again?...we...I mean I, really need to stop that

Well if it makes you feel any better, I can't find the damn threads we mentioned the eye color matching Ink......I know we spoke ad nauseum about Lizzy's eyes in the screw ups thread...and I thought the conversation was held there......but it wasn't....and I could have sworn there was a thread dedicated to it....

but evidently that uh.....that isn't true either......

......I know someone around here made that connection before....and I just can't remember who the hell it was.....well if we can't find it Arthur gets credit for the discovery. He can name his discovery whatever he'd like....kinda like discovering a star or a new species of fungi.

Feb 16th, 2012, 06:43 PM
Hmm...i remember the Lizzie eye color correction...and if there was mention of this connection. It was before Arthur and I's time....nit doubting you at all...there was a time where i didnt follow the theory section...but anyways..what could a green eye connection be?...possibly green eyed folks make smarter zoms?....OR...inks bright green eyes are not actually his own...and he takes new ones as the old ones "die" on him...i dunno...seems nutty..

Feb 16th, 2012, 08:12 PM
What I'm wondering is what happened to Ink, was he present when the Tower fell? It worries me to think that maybe Victor and Saul are going to have another encounter with him soon.

Feb 17th, 2012, 03:13 AM
The chapter 2 blue to green eye correction was before my time. I do not know what thread, but I brought up the ink and Lizzy green eyes before. But it never got any traction. I may have called him TOWTM or "Paul"

I missed the Samantha green eyes, but heard it relistening for The Other Tower / Kalani clues and the golf course info is new.

The title is based on that old song

Blue eyes, babys got blue eyes
I thought it important enough to give it it's own thread.

Feb 17th, 2012, 03:19 AM
And it is...i believe the piece Nik is thinking of is in the Lizzie..pregnant or infected? Thread...page nine.(can't be assed with a link, its past my bedtime)...but anyways...i believe it is worth a second,third ,and possibly forth glance if for no other reason than the absurdity of it all.

And when I read the title, I get "green eyed lady" playing in my head...

Feb 17th, 2012, 03:38 AM
That song works to. Get some sleep you are as bad as Nik!

I do not think it is too crazy. It is either important or KC is obsessed with "Green Eyed Ladies"

But I will go back to my ol maxim, if it is mentioned it is important. If it is brought up twice my spider sense is tingling. Three and I had better run around yelling MOVIE, even if I am in a crowded Fire Station

Feb 17th, 2012, 03:42 AM
The dead don't sleep...:)

Did someone yell fire?

And we will figure this one out sir, rest assured

Feb 17th, 2012, 06:04 AM
perhaps green eyes give a type of resistance that manifests itself in through a quality much like we see in ink

Feb 17th, 2012, 06:23 AM
That song works to. Get some sleep you are as bad as Nik!

Was. I can't stay up past midnight anymore with the whole career thing....

I'd say it's purely coincidental with the eyes thing because of an actor thing (didn't Kc say there was a change and that's why the color changed) but man it's hard to let those things slide around here.

Feb 17th, 2012, 12:38 PM
OK,a quick data dump on my reccolection of Green eyes. Feel Free to add anything I have forgotten or did not notice. Flag what I get wrong so we can corect it

1) Chapter 2 Michael narates her green eyes.
2) Zombie-tagging / Chloroform. After her first up close and personal experience with zombies, she passes out. The assumption is made to link it to the chloroform, not the zombies. She was near Zombies, but inside before the zombies grab Todd, but I think this experience is closer.
3) Datu says Samantha has green eyes. Samantha says the zombies hold you captive until a rescue party comes. Her opinion, but maybe it is linked to Green Eyes.
4) Ink, upon escape of the Arena, they confront Ink / TOWTM. In narration, Michael says clear green eyes.
5) Lizzy at the furniture store being held by Tar and Bricks. Tar tells her she has pretty green eyes. She gets sick. Maybe it is zombie exposure, maybe it is closer to ground zero, or not related. I do not think pregnant. Yea, in normal society Puke is yucky. The survivors have literally been blowing the heads of off dead people and worse. But, a little puke wrecks them? Numerous times the smell of it is mentioned. It must really really be bad. Latch makes no comment about smell. She does comment on "sick" at a time she is probbaly close enough to see Lizzy's eyes for the first time. Scratch is much softer to Lizzy not others and attempts to protect her. Is it that Scratch suddenly recognizes Lizzy and thinks of a hostage swap or bait. Or, are green eyes important. Saul even comments that somebody lost their lunch when finding the recording. Did he smell it? Did he see it? In any case, she had not gotten sick in the truck up to the explosion at the arena.

6) The woman at the golf course was a red head. Red heads have a higher population of green eyes than the rest of the worlds population.

Oh man, I can not resist. Sorry KC, Crowbar, 7odd and Nik...

Do you know who else had red hair? SAMANTHA! Maybe she was still aliv... Not! I do think she had red hair, but KC has on more than one occasion said Samantha was killed at the arena.

In any case, a greater percentage of women with Green eyes and / or red hair survived this zombocolypse.

Last. More speculation. Kalani was taken to the arena. Datu was more of an accident. Datu says Kalani's face did not match his name. So, maybe European stock. Maybe he has green eyes. But, since he is dead, the only way this can be linked to the future plot is a photograph.

Sep 24th, 2013, 12:16 PM
Last. More speculation. Kalani was taken to the arena. Datu was more of an accident. Datu says Kalani's face did not match his name. So, maybe European stock. Maybe he has green eyes. But, since he is dead, the only way this can be linked to the future plot is a photograph.

Wow, really getting the tinfoil hat here. Back in Dunbar is a photograph of Kalani. I wrote the above well before the start of Season 3...

Sep 24th, 2013, 12:39 PM
I hadn't really thought much about the green eyes bit, and I'm not sure why, but I really like this thread.

I was wondering, did they make mention of what color Hope's eyes are? Just curious, because if Samantha had green eyes there's a possibility her daughter has them, too, right?

Sep 24th, 2013, 12:56 PM
I hadn't really thought much about the green eyes bit, and I'm not sure why, but I really like this thread.

I was wondering, did they make mention of what color Hope's eyes are? Just curious, because if Samantha had green eyes there's a possibility her daughter has them, too, right?


It is the teacher in me that likes to leave parts out. I love the Soccratic method for self-discovery. Too bad too many college teacher types like to use it to trap and embarrass students to pad their own egos

Sep 27th, 2013, 11:04 PM
All this talk of green eyes, which I think is VERY interesting....that maybe that's how they are being tracked. TOWTM is attracted to females with green eyes.

And then two New Order songs just popped in my head : Temptation. Everything's Gone Green.

Sep 28th, 2013, 12:15 AM
Yeah, the Lizzy eye colour thing. KC was asked about this a couple years ago and basically things just got a bit mixed up. I think it might have had something to do with the original voice actress which was later replaced/redone by Blaire. Or no, wasnt it just that KC had forgotten that he mentioned what colour her eyes were previously....? It was something like that. Some other WA old timers might remember....Osiris....Scubba? Anyways. I dont think Hopes eye colour has ever been mentioned.

Sep 28th, 2013, 09:46 AM
Its obvious that We're Alive is the Sequel to Big trouble in Little China

Ink: What does it mean? Two girls with green eyes. After all these years?
I will marry them both. I have already sacrificed Samantha to appease his emperor and I plan to live out my earthly pleasures with Lizzy!

Michae Crossl: I don't get this at all. I thought Ink...

Ink: Shut up, Mr. Cross! You are not brought upon this world to get it!

Michael Cross: So the way I undestand it is that when you find Lizzy you will marry her too

Ink: YES! Ching Dai will be appeased,my curse will be lifted!

Michael Cross: You can then go on to rule the universe from beyond the grave.

Ink: YES!

Michael Cross: Or check into a psycho ward, whichever comes first, right? What? I'm supposed to buy this shit? 2000 years, you can't find one broad to fit the bill? Come on, Ink, you must be doing something seriously wrong!

Ink: There have been others, to be sure. There are always others. But you know, Mr. Cross, the difficulties between men and women, You are one of the last men on earth and you can't seal the deal with Pegs, Tsk Tsk How seldom it works out? Yet we all keep trying, like fools.
if you have an influence over your youthful friend, you better exert it now. Otherwise, I will have you both brought out to the hell where people are skinned alive it's that simple, understand?

Michael Cross: [Leans forward] Are you crazy, is that your problem?