View Full Version : a little THEATER OF THE MIND!!!!!!!!

Dec 30th, 2011, 04:08 AM
so i was traipsing through the woods with my camera, following this bear, trying to answer that age old question: does a bear crap in the woods? i was turned onto this particular line of questioning when i stumbled in on my roommate, steve, having sex. i later asked him if he really liked this girl, and his response was a question: does a bear crap in the woods? so i wanted to give him a definitive answer.

so i followed the bear for all day, just waiting for him to pop a squat and drop a d. suddenly he stopped, crouched on his hind quarters, arch his back, trembled with exertion, and this guy named dave from PETA tackled me and stole my camera. he said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!"

i answered with a dignified, "whu?"


so i said, "trying to figure out if a bear does indeed crap in the woods."

he pointed at me and said, "NO," then he pointed at the bear, "A BEAR CRAPS IN DIGNITY!"

so i said, "well, where's dignity?"

he wouldn't tell me

so in conclusion: does a bear crap in the woods? no, not according to PETA, so i kicked the girl out of the apartment. steve wasn't happy about that.