View Full Version : shout out to the castle fans

Nov 1st, 2011, 05:19 AM
anyone familiar with the show knows that richard castle is a writer. well now you can read his works for yourself. Heat Wave, Naked Heat, and Heat Rises are all available now. i walked into barnes and noble and saw a stack of Heat Rises sitting by the customer service kiosk and simply had to have one. it's prety good so far. it's going to be tough working it into my reading rotation since i'm already reading two others, but i will inform you of the results of my foray into the world of richard castle (no spoilers). it even has a picture of nathan fillion on the back as castle. i was giddy as a school girl. don't judge me.

Nov 1st, 2011, 08:11 AM
I have read the first two, Heat Wave and Naked Heat, they were pretty good too. I didn't realize there was another book, so I will check that out :) Castle is a great show, Nathan Fillion is one of my favorite actors so I had to watch lol. I for one will not judge you... :D

Nov 1st, 2011, 09:19 AM
he was campaigning for the role of nathan drake in the upcoming film adaptation for uncharted: drakes fortune. he was passsed over for the position, much to the chagrin of millions of fans.

Nov 1st, 2011, 04:48 PM
Well that sucks. I think he needs to be in more stuff. And, I miss Firefly. That show is definitely one of my favorites.

Mar 31st, 2012, 10:33 PM
Love the show but couldn't make it through Heat Wave. It just dragged on, which is fantastic because it's exactly how I imagined Rick would write. Very mediocre. Kind of sucks because I got pretty excited when I caught sight of it on a shelf in Chapters, started it as soon as I got back home that day and put it down two days later. Haven't gone back since.