View Full Version : The Last Night (not WA related)

Jul 27th, 2011, 07:04 AM
first a little intro: this was a nightmare i had and to the best i can remember it, this is exactly how it went, so if it doesn't exactly make sense in some places, that's why. enjoy

The Last Night

Darkness fell. The stadium grew quiet. The humans emerged. Night was the only time the humans were safe, because that’s when the bugs went to sleep. And the zombies. The zombies woke much easier than the bugs and the bugs didn’t let the zombies near their nests so the humans stayed near the bugs. The bugs nested in the stadium.

The children started playing in the gift shop with the collectables and trinkets. The adults went to the cafeteria to find food for their families. The adults weren’t worried about the noise, it took specific conditions to wake the bugs; you had to touch one of them and make a lot of noise, and the bugs slept in an alcove outside the stadium. The children sat playing with sports memorabilia as a group of adults stood guard. The adults were armed with everything from shotguns to machine guns.

And the children played in the gift shop. All except Anna-Lucia. Anna-Lucia sat away from the other children. Anna-Lucia was different, she understood the bugs. That didn’t make them want to infect her any less, it just meant that she knew what the bugs were “thinking,” if that can be the right word. This ability helped the humans to survive through the city as it was infected and overrun by bugs, but it also isolated her from the other children. They called her bug-girl, monstress, or demon-girl. The adults never scolded their children even though Kevin begged them to put a stop to the teasing. Anna-Lucia was the only reason those people were still alive. There were about a hundred of them.

Anna-Lucia pulled the cover off of the air vent. She preferred the tight dark spaces with stuffy warm air to the nice open areas that the others liked. Just like a bug. The adults began to spread out across the stadium and take up watch. The children played through the halls laughing excitably and running from each other in games of tag and hide-and-seek. Anna-Lucia crawled through the air vents. The children were dirty and smeared with mud and grease and blood. The children ran through the halls.

There was a corridor running along the outside of the stadium that was used to display the private collections of the owner. The corridor had high vaulted ceilings and large bay windows and was cluttered with the owners rare items, now junk. One of the boys ran through the hall avoiding the junk and looking for a place to hide, when he found an old artifact laying on the floor: a WWII luger. He picked it up and looked at the shiny pistol in his hands. Anna-Lucia felt a sense of dread terror come over her in her air vent. She shuddered and stopped crawling, her skin was crawling and she felt like she was going to throw up.

The boy turned the luger over in his hand examining the shiny metal and found the clip release. He pressed the button and the clip slid out into his hand. It was heavy and he looked it over and saw that it was loaded with rounds. He slid the clip back in and chambered a round. Out the bay windows he could see the bugs in their slumber. He stared for several minutes at the gun in his hand and came to a decision. It was 4:00 AM.

The boy climbed out the window. The laughter was over, he had lost so much when the bugs had invaded his home and now it was time for payback. There was a ringing in his ears. Anna-Lucia wanted to scream in fear as doom filled her mind but her voice had caught in her throat. The bugs slept very heavy and did not wake easily.

The boy walked up to the nearest bug. They looked like giant cockroaches, they had multiple legs and hard shells and four eyes. When people were infected they turned into zombies, and the zombies eventually turned into bugs. The more recent the completed transformation, the clearer the shell, with the most recent being as clear as bubbled glass. When the bugs slept they curled up and slept with their heads exposed. The boy walked up to the nearest bug.

He had tears welling in his eyes. Anna-Lucia had tears welling in her eyes with fear. She covered her ears with her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks and pooled on the bottom of the air vent, her mouth open in a silent scream. The boy placed the gun to the head of a bug and it twitched. A moan escaped Anna-Lucia and floated through the air vent. The boy pulled the trigger and the bug’s shell rippled as the bullet destroyed its brain. The bug bumped into another bug. It and three others began stirring. The boy vaulted through the window before the bugs had a chance to see him.

Anna-Lucia’s tears stopped flowing. This was the doom that came to Sarnath, and now that doom had come to the stadium. The bugs rose and looked around for the source of the disturbance. Now they would search through the stadium for people and if they saw anything the whole horde would rise and swarm the stadium. Bugs didn’t have good night vision. The boy hid behind a pillar between windows in the shadows as the bugs started sniffing around their fallen comrade. He stood there shaking waiting for the bugs to find him. Anna Lucia began shaking in her vent as the shock of what the boy did settled on her. He just killed so many people.

The bugs started looking in the bay windows but they couldn’t see in the shadows and though one stuck its head in the window close enough that the boy could have touched its eye it did not see him the bugs filed in the window and walked into the hall to look throughout the stadium. Anna-Lucia wept fear. With the bugs in the stadium the boy hopped out the window and ran along the side of the stadium, away from the sleeping bugs, to the front entrance. The bugs stalked through the halls but because of the deep shadows the children and adults saw them and hid without being seen. The adults had heard the gunshot and knew something bad happened. A man and his daughter ran into a side room that had been a guest room and hid his daughter in a drawer while he hid in the closet. The light from the street lights outside the window landed right on the closet where the man hid. He had forgotten to close the bedroom door all the way. The stadium was built by a rich man who also built into it a mansion to one side.

The bugs stalked through the hallways. They came to the door through which the man ran and pushed it open. Two bugs walked in while the others walked on. Anna-Lucia began crawling to the end of the vent through her puddle of tears. The bugs walked around the room looking out the window feeling in dark corners and flipping the bed. The man in the closet began to tremble. The bug stomped up to the closet door and felt the handle with a leg. The man trembled in fear. Anna-Lucia trembled in fear. The bug opened the closet door and light spilled onto the man in his hiding spot. The bug made a low growl as its antennae swept back along its head. Anna-Lucia screamed in the air vent. The bug screeched its war cry. The hoard roused. The bug impaled the man and began to eat his flesh. The girl pushed the drawer and rolled out of the dresser. She rose to her feet and ran into the waiting arms of the second bug. The humans turned the lights on and began firing at the bugs.

Anna-Lucia crawled out of the vent as Kevin was running by to find her. She surprised him but he only stopped for a moment as he picked her up and tucked her under his arm. He ran through the halls avoiding gunfire and bugs.

The sky began to lighten and the zombies began to wake as the war in the stadium raged. They made it to the front entrance and found twenty other people who had guns and were ready to make for the zombie line. At least there they had a chance. They ran across the parking lot racing in and out of abandoned cars. The zombies began to notice them and started running towards them. The war raged in the stadium. The survivors in the lot began blasting at zombies that ran at them, all at different levels of transformation. Suddenly a convoy of vehicles came screaming into the parking lot. They screeched to a halt in the survivors’ path.

Doors opened, ramps dropped, Anna-Lucia felt hope, and men came rushing out to collect the twenty or so survivors and shoot any zombies that got too close. The people climbed into the vehicles and the doors shut and the ramps rose. Anna-Lucia shook with the deaths of 80 people that the boy had sacrificed to the bugs so he could have his revenge. The boy stared at Anna-Lucia from across the transport with the dead eyes of someone who had sacrificed 80 people for revenge and knew it.