View Full Version : The Hunger Games Trilogy

Jul 21st, 2011, 03:11 PM
Ok so i know that most people have heard about it at least once, one of the biggest Books (Book series) of the summer THE HUNGER GAMES. In my opinion it is a great book Rivaling Harry Potter.
Please Discuss your thoughts, ill post a synopsis of the events leading up to the first book for some backround info later.

Waldo Butters
Jul 21st, 2011, 03:45 PM
Started off very strong but became very bitter-sweet by the end. (Not so big on the kids killing each other bits but hey, different world entirely...)

Aug 7th, 2011, 10:58 AM
I really liked these books, read the first one when it first came out and waited eagerly for the sequels. Something about the end of them seemed off to me, but still amazing. It is going to be interesting to see how they do the movie(s), even though movies never really live up to the books

Waldo Butters
Aug 7th, 2011, 11:31 AM
I really liked these books, read the first one when it first came out and waited eagerly for the sequels. Something about the end of them seemed off to me, but still amazing. It is going to be interesting to see how they do the movie(s), even though movies never really live up to the books

I like that she had kids, but that much trama....it was pretty harsh reading the last couple chapters.

Aug 7th, 2011, 02:42 PM
I like that she had kids, but that much trama....it was pretty harsh reading the last couple chapters.

Yeah, I agree with that one. I was hoping she would have kids, despite her not wanting to.

Waldo Butters
Aug 7th, 2011, 02:46 PM
After what happened to her sister, her best friend, Prim, Peeta its just a long list of things that any normal person would have been put in an asylum for....

Aug 7th, 2011, 02:48 PM
Yeah, it is ridiculous how much she went through, yet turned out alright.

Aug 7th, 2011, 02:48 PM
I remember Crying When Rue died in the first book, and gettin sad when Prim died.

Waldo Butters
Aug 7th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Clusterbombing medics. That is something you just don't do. That bitch president deserved to die....

Aug 7th, 2011, 02:51 PM
Rue was one of my favorite characters! Her death was extremely sad. I like how Katniss honored her, knowing it would piss off the Capitol. And yes, the bitch president deserved it.

Sep 2nd, 2011, 03:46 PM
So anyone goin to see the movie? Ya'll Know they are makin a movie right? Release Date: March 23rd 2012. Im goin to the first show.

Sep 2nd, 2011, 04:26 PM
i listened to the trilogy not so long ago and i enjoyed it. i hear a lot of people moaning that she should not of got together with Peeta, but should of been with gabe but i wanted her to be with peeta. it was sort of a will they won't they. i will be watching the films when they come out as i like to see how they differ from the books hope they don't ruin it tho.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 01:09 AM
The trailer looks awesome. If the rest of the movie lives up to that, it should be a good one.

Jan 3rd, 2012, 08:14 AM
I read all the books in a go.

I thought they were decent. I feel like the biggest drawing quality wasn't the writing really but the plot and idea of the games. There seems to be something about the idea of tossing a bunch of kids in a glorified gladiator pit and watching them fight to the death. I think it's something akin to one of those horrifying high speed highway crashed you just can't look away from.

Don't get me wrong, keeping the readers attention is half the battle of writing good material. But I didn't really see what the big deal was about the books. Granted they're not as poorly written as the Twilight series *shudder* but I didn't think they were stunning works of literary genius either. I heard something about them being used in classrooms. Are teachers so desperate to keep kids engaged that they have to resort to television tactics to keep them involved?

In the end, with all the good and bad weighed, I suppose they're worth the read. Personally, I wouldn't spend the money for the hardcovers like I did with the HP series. But to each their own. The series is intriguing, paced well, and can keep my attention most of the time (except for when it slows down). I don't think I'd let my niece and nephews read it until they were a bit older though. My nephew already has an unhealthy obsession with the movie Gladiator. lol

Jan 23rd, 2012, 12:00 PM
I checked them out after kek recommended them, and went through an emotional roller coaster.
Book one: Ok, normal tween style stuff, pretty brutal but not as gratuitously violent as the "Gone" series.
Book two: I was hesitant going in, I was sure it was just going to be a cash in.
But it turned out to be an interesting piece of post-apocalyptic political fiction masquerading as a tween book.
Book three: Looked as if it might have caught trilogy-itus (see the Alien trilogy) but from Cinna's death on it was pretty entertaining for a while.
The war was interesting until the end when the quality of writing dropped considerably in my opinion due to too much happening (I had too read the scene in the sewer again just to work out why certain characters were missing and also the scenes where she failed to shoot Gale and Prims death (partly due to tiredness)).
Enjoyed the series though definitely worth it.

Feb 13th, 2012, 03:51 PM
I've read the first two, haven't gotten around to ever reading the third, but it is a very good book, in my opinion. I did like the first one, but the second one was a little iffy on some parts. Such as how coincidentally they decided to bring back all the past winners of the Hunger games right after Kat (I think? its been awhile)won. I really hope they do a good job on the movie however because I know quite a few people who will be really frustrated if they don't do it correctly. All in all its worth the read.

Apr 29th, 2012, 11:02 AM
I was hesitant to read the Hunger Games, but I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed the series.

While the Hunger Games takes place in the future, it actually reflects the culture of today. It seems like more people are interested in who got voted off the island, or the latest viral video; rather than the state of the economy, or any of the other problems we face. When you get right down to it, the citizens in the capital aren't that much different from us. I think that's what really disturbed me the most.

I know a lot of people weren't happy with the ending, but considering what Kat went through; I think it ended as well as it could have.

Apr 29th, 2012, 01:43 PM
I was hesitant to read the Hunger Games, but I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed the series.

While the Hunger Games takes place in the future, it actually reflects the culture of today. It seems like more people are interested in who got voted off the island, or the latest viral video; rather than the state of the economy, or any of the other problems we face. When you get right down to it, the citizens in the capital aren't that much different from us. I think that's what really disturbed me the most.

I know a lot of people weren't happy with the ending, but considering what Kat went through; I think it ended as well as it could have.

Good point, to be honest it would have been easier to kill her off. Although seeing her live sadly ever after was probably more effected me emotionally more than killing her would.