View Full Version : Tanya's Theory

Jul 16th, 2011, 03:37 PM
I'm not sure if this has been posted already (had a quick look)......

I think Tanya, having read all of the journals, has come up with the idea (which she was about to explain to Michael before he got all arsey with her) that the Zombies really are undead. Specifically in terms of they don't actually die. At all.
She asked Michael if he was he sure Cindy was dug up.
I think she has noticed, in the journals, people writing about specifically identifiable zombies that have been brought down only to reappear in someone else's journal in a later time frame.

I also think that Michael has recently found this out for himself. Is it possible that this Randy was someone that helped Michael escape the water pumping station, only to be 'turned' and Michael had to bring him down. Imagine his surprise when 'Randy' turns up for some Tanyanapping.

Also, I think Ink/pinstripes/the one from the mall, has realised this and is patching the 'will not die' bits together to make experimental undead zombies!!!!!

Jul 16th, 2011, 11:26 PM
that's an interesting take on what Tanya would have found in the journals; most everybody is assuming she found something indicative of "who is the rat". This also would be something I could see Tanya thinking there was no harm in keeping to herself until Michael had "calmed down".

As for Randy's survival, Michael didn't sound the least bit surprised when he saw him. His voice was more commanding than shocked, almost like he had known he would see him again; an inevitable eventuality.

What is the plausible explanation of Ink having the knowledge or ability to frankenstein these undead pieces together? I think darwinism/selective reproduction of these special breeds is a lot more likely than Ink just happening to have the hands of a surgeon and the brain power of a mad scientist. But that's my take on it, i still think frankenstein-ism would be cool but unlikely