View Full Version : A scream of Angels

Jul 15th, 2011, 08:37 AM
I am looking for some advice, but the net result is most likely that I will be laughed off the boards. There is a renaissance of horror in the pop culture. Old foes get a new twist. Where once a vampire was more of a blood sucking corpse of an old crone, now he is a modern day Romeo carrying a torch for his Juliet over the centuries. Anyway…

I am looking to put a new spin on the Hero. Take the initiation of a zombie apocalypse, but before Civilization collapses, a scream of Angels appear. – A bunch of sheep is a herd. A bunch of whales is pod Crows are a murder and Angels are a scream -- They were not part of the archetypical Fall From Grace. Essentially, they are newly fallen. The assumption is they have seen the whole zombie thing playout in other planes of the multiverse and they are not going to allow it to happen again. God is intently watching the whole free will que sera sera thing, but this scream of angels is taking the whole “Prime Directive” ala Star Trek and throwing it out the window. As fallen, they cannot perform miracles, but they are not exactly human either.

Dumbest thing you ever heard of or interesting enough that you would read the “jacket cover” of an ebook?

Jul 15th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Sounds good to me man. Are they putting on Flesh? a Fallen Angel is still going to be hella powerful. Me thinks too much so for your average infected.

Jul 15th, 2011, 10:01 AM
i like the idea. New and unique ideas are the best. Too bad Hollywood doesnt do more things that are different.

Jul 15th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Yes, I envision them as flesh and bone no longer spiritual. I would rate them as a Sargent Rock to a Captain America (I have not seen the movie, I am just going form pop culture) NOT Superman. Low Tech, so no gadgeteers like Batman or ironman. Tactically they kick ass. But, if there are only 12 or so, there are a hell of a lot Strategic stressers. Las Vegas vs. Rome. Save the President of the United States (PotUS) or the 6 year old snot nosed kid down the street?

Jul 18th, 2011, 12:44 AM
Like this...so many angles you can work with...(yes,angles...plot angles)...cant wait to hear more

Jul 18th, 2011, 12:49 AM
If happen to hit a creative wall...let me know, I've had a similar story running through my head for a few years now. I'll never do anything with it...so id be glad to share some plot points/ideas if need be...good luck;)