View Full Version : Fly Away? Not to day...

Jul 12th, 2011, 10:06 AM
When I see all the lose ends of the story, I do not think our crew will make it to Fort Irwin this season.

The Rat
Who shot Pippin
Michael at the Waterworks
These and more could be addressed away from LA, but there is so many questions left in LA for us the listeners...

Ground Zero
Bill's "See that, thats a lvl 3 badge from Raydon Labs. You gotta be pretty smart to get one of those" ~ quasiquote
The Ground Zero affect
The UberZombies
the current pow-wow at the Tower
The Special Weapon

Fort Irwin will provide its own Cornicopiea of mysteries. But, I was always taught to clean my plate literally and figuritively before moving on. A cliffhanger will be great. But, I so hope that a few things get tied up.

Thoughts? If you had one limited wish whereby a particular mystery or backstory would be revieled in this season's final chapter, what would it be?

For me, it is Burt's connection to Raydon Labs...

Jul 12th, 2011, 10:10 AM
The only loose end I'd really like to see tied up would be finding out how Angel and Scratch are acquainted.

Jul 12th, 2011, 10:27 AM
Scratch's #1 Fan.

You don't say 8)

Jul 12th, 2011, 10:28 AM
You don't say 8)

:squint: I see what you did...

Jul 12th, 2011, 12:12 PM
Well, as far as I'm concerned there has been too much attention payed to the search for helicopters, fixing the helicopters, and training Pegs to fly a helicopter for the Tower folks not to start off for Fort Irwin. But I also think that once they get there something is going to draw them back to L.A. There is way too many plot threads dangling in L.A. for them to leave for a new locale. Not only the ones Arthur mentioned but also the fact that the main antagonist groups are in L.A. and unless Ink, the Mallers, and The Colony (no way we're done with a group that large) follow them which seems unlikely at best.
My prediction is they do get to Fort Irwin but are forced to return either to investigate the outbreak, or because it's just too damn dangerous there (i.e. either the fort is overrun or there is yet another faction already there, like a military group, who are not exactly welcoming of our friends from the Tower.)

Jul 12th, 2011, 12:40 PM
I dont think we will ever be really done with the mallers unless they all die and the colony..... Im not ruling them out as reappearing, but its doubtful in my mind, I think that going to fort irwin wont happen till an early chapter of season 3 simply so the LA threads can be clean up eg the rat and ground zero but having the ability to fly as an escape option at the very least is a good thing,

Jul 12th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Anyone up for the possibility that some will go and some will stay? Saul, Burt and Tanya have all put forward the idea of staying.

We all want to see what is happening outside of LA, but there as you've said there is sill so much to clear up. I agree with HardKor in saying that they won't just get to Fort Irwin, find it empty, safe and with plenty of food, so that they can hole up there til this all blows over. With the option of two helicopters, if th plan to get out of LA is to be ruined, then the storys going to have to go crazy with the destruction of two choppers.

If there is a split, if only a temporary one, we can still get the best of both worlds. Just sayin...

Jul 12th, 2011, 01:00 PM
Well, as far as I'm concerned there has been too much attention payed to the search for helicopters, fixing the helicopters, and training Pegs to fly a helicopter for the Tower folks not to start off for Fort Irwin. But I also think that once they get there something is going to draw them back to L.A. There is way too many plot threads dangling in L.A. for them to leave for a new locale. Not only the ones Arthur mentioned but also the fact that the main antagonist groups are in L.A. and unless Ink, the Mallers, and The Colony (no way we're done with a group that large) follow them which seems unlikely at best.
My prediction is they do get to Fort Irwin but are forced to return either to investigate the outbreak, or because it's just too damn dangerous there (i.e. either the fort is overrun or there is yet another faction already there, like a military group, who are not exactly welcoming of our friends from the Tower.)

Simple return:

Saul and Lizzy are nowhere to be found when the Residents are prepared to evac.
Michael decides the good of the many etc Spock speech.
Once everyone is safely at Fort Irwin Michael decides to launch a search and rescue mission using the choppers.
Scratch shoots down chopper on sight.
Saul finally tracks down Lizzy who has come to terms with her predicament and opted to be cooperative.
Saul sees Lizzy interacting socially with Scratch and goes crazy capping everyone and everything he sees.
Michael launches a second search and rescue party to find the missing chopper (Pegs will have to fly this mission)
Scratch shoots that one down too (because she's crazy like a fox in that way)
Pegs is captured and subsequently fed to the sisters.
Scratch lives happily ever after.
The End.

See? Plays out real nice. Scratch gets revenge and everything is A-OK once more. :cool:

Jul 12th, 2011, 01:05 PM
I dont think we will ever be really done with the mallers unless they all die and the colony..... Im not ruling them out as reappearing, but its doubtful in my mind, I think that going to fort irwin wont happen till an early chapter of season 3 simply so the LA threads can be clean up eg the rat and ground zero but having the ability to fly as an escape option at the very least is a good thing,

Sadly, I see no finality with the whole Ground Zero thing. It's one of those great mysteries that has plagued all the best zombie stories through history. You get bits and pieces of information, but you never really get a solid explanation as to what caused it. I feel that leaving L.A. behind and heading for the hills wouldn't necessarily be a mistake as far as leaving a dangling thread. There are so many other questions that can be answered and so many questions that rest comfortably within the confines of the arc as is. Like Micheal's broken arm, or how Skittles came to be the way he is. It let's your imagination take the ball and run with it.

Jul 12th, 2011, 06:29 PM
Osiris you might be right with the ground zero thing that it is such a big issue that KC and crew might never let us know 100&% what thats all about, but even if the tower (as a group or part of the group) dont leave LA having the ablility to fly as an escape plan. Micheal's arm........ well I have a severel theorys about that some plausable some ,eh, more came out of sitting with friends drinking wine smoking pot and talking about the show, in regards to Skittles I havent put much thought to him except that he most likely had issues before and the whole situation just made it worse

Jul 12th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Osiris you might be right with the ground zero thing that it is such a big issue that KC and crew might never let us know 100&% what thats all about, but even if the tower (as a group or part of the group) dont leave LA having the ablility to fly as an escape plan. Micheal's arm........ well I have a severel theorys about that some plausable some ,eh, more came out of sitting with friends drinking wine smoking pot and talking about the show, in regards to Skittles I havent put much thought to him except that he most likely had issues before and the whole situation just made it worse

I wrote a bit on Ground Zero in my last blog. As for Skittles, I've got a theory about him as well that only recently occurred to me.