View Full Version : Anyone else love Blu-Rays!!!

Jul 4th, 2011, 03:06 PM
Pretty simple topic, just wondering if you guys are as into Blu-Rays as I am. I've got a pretty large (at least I think so) collection going, I've got about 120 movies, and that counts boxed sets as one movie.

My favorite part of my collection is actually the boxed sets...I'm a sucker for all the extras and fancy packaging. As far as they go I own the Band of Brothers, The Pacific, the Alien Anthology, the Bourne Trilogy, Shrek : The Whole Story, the X-Men Trilogy and my newest addition, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Edition.

Jul 4th, 2011, 04:30 PM
I can't stand physical media. Gotta stash them somewhere, gotta find one specific disc to watch a certain movie, can't quickly flick trough movies, and then there's those unskipable commercials and such. Add to that they're rather fragile...

The only upside is instant watching - downloading a full movie in 1080p takes a shocking ... Oh wait. It takes less than 30 minutes. Nevermind.
And as storage is freakin' cheap nowadays (€60/2TB = €60/700 movies or so) that is no issue either.

smalls kenobi
Jul 4th, 2011, 04:32 PM
I can't stand physical media. Gotta stash them somewhere, gotta find one specific disc to watch a certain movie, can't quickly flick trough movies, and then there's those unskipable commercials and such. Add to that they're rather fragile...

The only upside is instant watching - downloading a full movie in 1080p takes a shocking ... Oh wait. It takes less than 30 minutes. Nevermind.

you're spoiled :P haha

Jul 4th, 2011, 04:41 PM
I can't stand physical media. Gotta stash them somewhere, gotta find one specific disc to watch a certain movie, can't quickly flick trough movies, and then there's those unskipable commercials and such. Add to that they're rather fragile...

The only upside is instant watching - downloading a full movie in 1080p takes a shocking ... Oh wait. It takes less than 30 minutes. Nevermind.
And as storage is freakin' cheap nowadays (€60/2TB = €60/700 movies or so) that is no issue either.

I guess I'm just the opposite. I like having the physical copies of movies. I like having all my movies arranged in case to peruse at my leisure. For that same reason I just can't get into the idea of digital readers like the Kindle or Nook. I like having physical books. It also fulfills my obsessive need to arrange things LOL.

Jul 6th, 2011, 06:20 PM
I can't stand physical media. Gotta stash them somewhere, gotta find one specific disc to watch a certain movie, can't quickly flick trough movies, and then there's those unskipable commercials and such. Add to that they're rather fragile...

The only upside is instant watching - downloading a full movie in 1080p takes a shocking ... Oh wait. It takes less than 30 minutes. Nevermind.
And as storage is freakin' cheap nowadays (€60/2TB = €60/700 movies or so) that is no issue either.

To each his own I guess, I know it's not expensive or time consuming to download 1080p movies, but I prefer to have to something I can hold and look at....call me old-fashioned.