View Full Version : Saul and Tanya... Family Immune?

Jun 22nd, 2011, 09:16 AM
So in this last chapter Mike says Tanya and some scratches and blood on her but she in not turned. Even though these could just be brush burns / scrapped from being dragger. They could have also came in contact with the blood from the zombie that was dragging her. And since Mike says shes not turned, just passed out.

Do you think Saul and Tanya somehow have something in them that causes a immunity without knowing it?

Or is it just luck that both of them had open wounds and were close to getting infected blood on them and didn't?

Jun 22nd, 2011, 10:28 AM
I'm going to bet luck but If she did maybe that stuff reacted differently with the tinks

Jun 22nd, 2011, 10:55 AM
you know this makes a LOT of sense....but if its true i dont know how they could find out. because if it is true they would have to find out and im not really sure how they could EXPLAIN it.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 10:59 AM
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this is where the figure out about some immunity that could be passed on to Saul and Lizzy's future zombie baby. I like your moxxi kid, I'm totally diggin' that theory.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 12:30 PM
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this is where the figure out about some immunity that could be passed on to Saul and Lizzy's future zombie baby. I like your moxxi kid, I'm totally diggin' that theory.

its not going to be a little zombie baby!

Wicked Sid
Jun 22nd, 2011, 01:17 PM
Michael didn't say that she had blood on her. He said that she had "red marks on her face and a puffy left eye" and that she "had some bad scratches on her back."

There was no mention of blood; and in the case of Saul we used to have a great analysis of the blood passage, wound size, bullet temperature and surface area, but it was on the old forums. Overall, it disproved any chance of Saul gaining enough of the mutagen and that it would not survive long enough for infection to occur.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 12:47 AM
spoiler to the movie "the vanguard"

basically,in the future,the world government creates a virus to control the populous. Well the virus turns out to be a zombie virus...the main scientist behind it had an inkling that this might happen, and made the cure for the virus his own sons blood..so zombie bits him, they return to normal...i HIGHLY doubt that's what's going on with the tinks though....

Jun 23rd, 2011, 09:35 PM
Yea unless they find some lab stuff no way can they make a cure

Jun 24th, 2011, 11:24 PM
Its a cool theory and it would really make an interesting plot line. Even though there was a thread that closely analyzed the the transfer of blood to Saul when he was shot by Bert, I was kind of hoping that Saul is immune. I really like Saul and when Bert got all serious with his "I never Miss" line, I thought he was a goner. No matter what other threads have said, I strongly believe that infected blood was transferred to Saul. I'm not usually the one to make predictions but I really think that the end of this season will leave us with an few unknowns about who has been killed/turned during the looming season 2 finally and I think that the question of Saul's immunity will be part of that cliffhanger. Something to the effect of getting bitten while saving Lizzie and leaving us to wait until next season to find out if he's turned.

Tonya I'm not too sure about. I, personally, don't think she was bitten. We've seen zombies take people without biting them, Datu, Samantha, and Koloni for example. So, her possible immunity is doubtful.

Jun 25th, 2011, 12:14 AM
its not going to be a little zombie baby!

Oh, Ms. I'm-so-sure-pants, aren't you confident? Let me clarify. I don't think the baby will come out biting and scratching, but I think it may have the infection coupled with the immunity. This theory based off a lot of assumptions though, so I think it unlikely still. So bing-bang-boom, you've just been theorized Creemy style.

Jun 25th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Oh, Ms. I'm-so-sure-pants, aren't you confident? Let me clarify. I don't think the baby will come out biting and scratching, but I think it may have the infection coupled with the immunity. This theory based off a lot of assumptions though, so I think it unlikely still. So bing-bang-boom, you've just been theorized Creemy style.
You can't have an infection with an immunity. One negates the other.. IMMUNITY.. being immune not having it.. If she is pregnant I hope she is pregnant. We can be one with the theories hehehehe

Jun 25th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Maybe it will be a half-human, half-infected baby that when it bites a zombie then either turn back into humans or die. So the baby is like the cure

Oct 17th, 2011, 10:48 PM
I recently finished my second listen of WA, and I came up with this theory. Is there a possibility of Saul being immune to the infection? This might have happened through an injection, etc. he recieved in the Army. Here are my reasons: In the first chapter, when he disobeys Michel by taking the knife with him, that scene was stressed WAYYYY to strongly for it not to matter. Also, when Saul was trapped inside the crushed car, it seems likely he would have been somehow bitten. What is your opinion on this? This is my first post so tips are appreciated.

Oct 18th, 2011, 05:06 AM
One tip is to look back through the pages to see if a topic is already covered by a thread. That's why we broke the theories section down into groups so the searching would be easier on everyone instead of 13 pages worth of theories.

I think the knife example was to demonstrate the fear of the unknown. No one knew anything about transmission other than it had to do with blood contact (per Riley's story on the ride to the tower). And with Saul having pieces of bottle removed from his back and driving around shirtless before encountering Latch/Scratch, I think he survived sans bite.

Oct 18th, 2011, 02:49 PM
One tip is to look back through the pages to see if a topic is already covered by a thread. That's why we broke the theories section down into groups so the searching would be easier on everyone instead of 13 pages worth of theories.

I think the knife example was to demonstrate the fear of the unknown. No one knew anything about transmission other than it had to do with blood contact (per Riley's story on the ride to the tower). And with Saul having pieces of bottle removed from his back and driving around shirtless before encountering Latch/Scratch, I think he survived sans bite.

Thanks, I didn't see that. Do you see it being revealed that some people are immune to the infection?

Oct 18th, 2011, 03:04 PM
Thanks, I didn't see that. Do you see it being revealed that some people are immune to the infection?

No worries. Happens all the time. :) (dirty secret: Happens to me too and I am the most pissy about double threads around here)

Possible. Not likely in my opinion but possible. There are those out there far more familiar with the entirety of Zombie canon.....has any zombie story revealed someone to be immune from a zombie bite/scratch? It could be interesting to go down that route, but it does provide a glimmer of hope which usually aren't supposed to rear their head in a zombie apocalypse story. There's supposed to be no chance of survival. That's what kicked so much ass about the original Night of the Living Dead ending.

"You survived your ordeal with the zombies what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to Disney Wo*BAM!*"

Oct 21st, 2011, 01:43 AM
An example I can think of is a movie called "the vanguard"....spoilers below
The creator of the virus that turned the populous made his sons blood the anti virus, meaning...if he was bitten.. The biter would return to normal

That said, I don't believe it's the case here...luck? Yes. Immunity?....doubtful

Blood & Ice Cream
Mar 12th, 2012, 06:44 AM
i'm going with this theory:

Saul and Tanya do have a resistance to the infection, not a natural one but as i'm a believer that the infection is some kind of weaponized form of rabies (with one of the symptoms the production of large quantities of saliva) and tanya being vet, i'm guessing that she has received the rabies vaccine before Saul was born and this past exposure to this drug has aided resistance to the complete infection

Apr 12th, 2012, 04:13 PM
I think its time we got back to this thread, especially because of Tanya's reaction to going to the "weed" to be checked. Clearly she has something to hide (also shown in one of the previous chapters where she is wearing a coat "because shes cold" and refuses Michael's offer of a space heater) this means she's prolly bitten or has a suspicious injury of some sort.

Does anyone remember any other suspicious behavior from her? or when she could have been bitten? Could it have been way back when she was being dragged off by Randy? if so, the chance of her having an immunity is high IMO. If it was more recent than that, there is still the chance that she's immune but there's also the chance that she's just a slow turner.

Apr 13th, 2012, 10:29 AM
Could it have been way back when she was being dragged off by Randy? if so, the chance of her having an immunity is high IMO. If it was more recent than that, there is still the chance that she's immune but there's also the chance that she's just a slow turner.

Something also to consider. What if it isn't immunity exactly, but just a resistance to being turned. Perhaps slow turners are just infected individuals with a higher resistance, so the infection takes longer to surface and take over.

Apr 13th, 2012, 05:26 PM
also I just realized that in an earlier chapter (in the colony episodes) Michael mentions a bandage on Tanya's arm and she says that she burned it in surgery. this is prolly what shes trying to hide. so if it was a bite, it would mean she's a veeerrryyy slow turner. and shes hiding any symptoms quite well unless the symptoms include saying "Snippy" a lot.

Nate Eeez
Apr 13th, 2012, 06:27 PM
Snippy! Ha! I remember now about the "burn". Good call.

Apr 14th, 2012, 12:40 PM
She gave Saul that drip that he had to take every few hours or something similar and she has access to a lot of drugs. It is possible that when she experimented with that guy who was a slow turner that she figured out how she could control the symptoms/slow the process down and she is taking that medication and has given it to Saul. She may be now experiencing more symptoms (wearing a jacket and saying she is cold) because she didn't have time to get the medication/get enough to last her long enough when the tower collapsed. Also if it is a rabies mutation then she probably knew quite a bit about it being a vet which could have helped her figure it out.

Apr 16th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Could it have been possible that the medication included some type of animal DNA thing. Tanya is a vet and is used to handling animal drugs... I guess that goes along twitch the immunity thing

Apr 16th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Tanya is a vet and she has been experimenting..on herself 1st prolly. I think anyone she can get her hands on she is immunizing them or something..that is y Riley is being detained and Tanya KNOWS what is up.

Apr 17th, 2012, 07:27 AM
I think it was a user by the name of TASM that had mentioned their ethnicity being a possible explanation to their apparent immunity/resilience to the virus. I don't want to go that route, but it is a possibility. Though it seems likely we'd here about more black survivors and one that knew they were immune. But reading that idea that black people might have a bit more resistance to the virus got me thinking about Bill. He had an infection. It was due to the cut on his leg but we never heard how he got that cut. It could have been from a Zed in the building. He had to have come in contact with one or two since he was so very wary and cautious.

Arg! There are just so many possible reasons Saul could breathe while in the Haze.

Apr 17th, 2012, 08:59 AM
this intrests me greatly, i had the same idea about the family line of tanya and saul being immune somehow, and thought with tanya's recent strange behaviour and refusal to go through the physical at irwin she may have been bitten on her arm and covered it... or she could have been innoculated from the drugs that saul is now taking, hence when/if she was snatched/bitten by randi she was fine afterwards.
i think she doesnt want the soldiers at irwin to discover her wounds for fear of execution or eviction, not that she's turning...

Nate Eeez
Apr 17th, 2012, 09:33 AM
Saul was able to breath at ground zero. Med drip was suggested. As far as being immune because of race? I wondered that too. Interesting idea. But so far how many black people have we met in this series?

Apr 17th, 2012, 10:53 AM
This came up in chat room but I don't think Hero put it in here yet. CJ said the medications must have something to do with why he is not getting sick. She does not know HOW he was wounded. She has no reason to think that he might have come in contact with zombie blood so it makes sense she would say the medicine must be the difference between Saul and Victor and given her keeping all the secrets I don't expect either of the two to volunteer THAT information.
As far as race making them immune I can't think that months after the initial outbreak no one noticed this yet. More likely there is some sort of resistance not an outright immunity that they have.

Apr 17th, 2012, 04:52 PM
Just throwing this out there.

Does anyone remember the Jake Gyllenhall movie "Jarhead"? The solders were given untested drugs, just in case Saddam used sarin gas or something. What if that had something to do with Saul's not getting sick @ ground zero. So that would make Michael immune too. Not so sure about Angel, because he has never been in Iraq or Afghanistan. Of course the simplest theory is that the antibiotics are making him immune.

Apr 19th, 2012, 05:17 AM
raven has a good point that it may just be a resistnace and not immunity, think back to tommy turning, he had a gash on his neck and came into contact with Z blood after burt put a hole throught the jumper in the tower! he didnt turn straight away, he got angry/frustrated with auntie kelly first, it took longer than a few minutes as riley described in the early chapter.
Saul has come into direct contact with zombies from day one so maybe the more time spent near/killing the more resistant you become?!?
if the anti-biotics are protecting Saul we will find out in the next episode im sure, but why the fuss over tanya, the story line hasnt mentioned her using them and why would she? there must be a link bewtween the tinks!!!

Cabbage Patch
Apr 19th, 2012, 10:11 AM
Does anyone remember the Jake Gyllenhall movie "Jarhead"? The solders were given untested drugs, just in case Saddam used sarin gas or something. What if that had something to do with Saul's not getting sick @ ground zero. So that would make Michael immune too. Not so sure about Angel, because he has never been in Iraq or Afghanistan. Of course the simplest theory is that the antibiotics are making him immune.

I don't think it's likely that Saul would have gotten the anti-nerve agent drugs, though Michael may have. I know the anti-nerve agent drugs were definitly given to troops during the 1991 Iraq War and may have been given during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. I don't think it was given to soldiers that deployed to Iraq after 2003, or to anyone that served in Afghanistan. We know that Michael was in Iraq around the time of the 2003 Invasion since he said that he helped create the Iraq "most wanted playing cards" that came out right after the invasion. There weren't any clues about when Saul was deployed, but his old unit, 10th Mountain Division, was only deployed to Afghanistan, never to Iraq.

Apr 21st, 2012, 09:50 AM
One thing we may be forgetting as far as immunizing things given in the army is the small-pox vaccine. When Michael brings the photo of Saul to Tanya, she recognizes the typical immunization scar/pattern associated with it. this is an immunization that Michael Saul and Angel would have all received. Tanya might have... anyways, its another theory.

Apr 21st, 2012, 10:28 AM
I think its time we got back to this thread, especially because of Tanya's reaction to going to the "weed" to be checked. Clearly she has something to hide (also shown in one of the previous chapters where she is wearing a coat "because shes cold" and refuses Michael's offer of a space heater) this means she's prolly bitten or has a suspicious injury of some sort.

Does anyone remember any other suspicious behavior from her? or when she could have been bitten? Could it have been way back when she was being dragged off by Randy? if so, the chance of her having an immunity is high IMO. If it was more recent than that, there is still the chance that she's immune but there's also the chance that she's just a slow turner.

In the same scene where Micheal offers the heater she states that she has to keep moving. She, also, kept running back and forth to Micheal's room and and seemed pretty hyper. Other than that, she's always been a bit mean and obnoxious like.

May 2nd, 2012, 02:05 AM
I don't think Tanya or Saul are immune at all. Tanya's extreme reaction to the examination was because of her experiences at the Colony. I believe that Tanya was going to be banished/executed from the Colony. They were going to kill her because she had bite scars.

Tanya is a veterinarian. I would think that throughout her career, every once in a while she would be bitten or scratched and that would leave scars. Tanya must have been examined by the Colony and been marked for death. The only thing that saved her was the Colony's need for medical personnel.

What would happen if Fort Irwin or the Commander found out that Tanya had bite scars?

May 7th, 2012, 03:14 PM
I don't think Tanya or Saul are immune at all. Tanya's extreme reaction to the examination was because of her experiences at the Colony. I believe that Tanya was going to be banished/executed from the Colony. They were going to kill her because she had bite scars.

Tanya is a veterinarian. I would think that throughout her career, every once in a while she would be bitten or scratched and that would leave scars. Tanya must have been examined by the Colony and been marked for death. The only thing that saved her was the Colony's need for medical personnel.

What would happen if Fort Irwin or the Commander found out that Tanya had bite scars?

Soooo...are you still sticking with her not being immune, after todays episode?

May 8th, 2012, 01:34 AM
Soooo...are you still sticking with her not being immune, after todays episode?

Heck yea! Well Tanya said "You dont understand" when they put her under. I would bet the doctors found the bite scar (from an animal bite) and since she is sedated she cannot explain.

May 8th, 2012, 05:22 AM
Okay... Why didnt Randy bite her? You dont understand would definitely apply to being immune too...dont cha think?
She was all messed up too...she was 'up and working already' REALLY fast. I have read everything Zombie...I am pretty sure she is immune, I am going to go a little farther with it too..I think some badass perks comes with having 'partial Z virus'

May 8th, 2012, 05:24 AM
I'm starting to wonder about Tanya and Saul's "immunity". She may not be immune, but she may be one of them on a genetic level. I lost my tinfoil hat.

May 8th, 2012, 06:29 AM
Hope is the answer I reckon.

May 8th, 2012, 11:38 AM
I have got to comment on the veterinarian posts where she would have scars from bites. My wife, father, 2 uncles, 2 cousins and a good friend are veterinarians. None of them have scars from bites. They obviously have be bit, scratched or otherwise injured by animals. If the animal is fractious or looks like it could be a danger they all don protective gear and/or sedate the animal. That is why the owners hold the animal during examination so they get bit by their own misbehaving pet.

May 8th, 2012, 11:58 AM
I have got to comment on the veterinarian posts where she would have scars from bites. My wife, father, 2 uncles, 2 cousins and a good friend are veterinarians. None of them have scars from bites. They obviously have be bit, scratched or otherwise injured by animals. If the animal is fractious or looks like it could be a danger they all don protective gear and/or sedate the animal. That is why the owners hold the animal during examination so they get bit by their own misbehaving pet.


i love your sig line.

May 8th, 2012, 05:02 PM
Okay... Why didnt Randy bite her? You dont understand would definitely apply to being immune too...dont cha think?
She was all messed up too...she was 'up and working already' REALLY fast. I have read everything Zombie...I am pretty sure she is immune, I am going to go a little farther with it too..I think some badass perks comes with having 'partial Z virus'

I remember answering another post somewhere about how smart, fast, strong, zombies are made. One theory is a persons natural abilities makes them that way. Another is someone makes them that way, like Ink. What if Tanya was captured to be made into a smart zombie.

May 8th, 2012, 05:15 PM
I've been gone from these forums too long. Just finished catching up with we're alive after being away from it while at school and I have to say this early theory is looking more and more reasonable. Maybe it is not a complete immunity but KC is definitely leading us towards something with that family due to Saul's strange reaction to being able to breathe in Ground Zero. It's almost like he knew he could breathe and was hiding something from Victor. And also Tanya's strange reaction when she was asked to get a physical. I think it's more than just she is scared, she definitely is hiding something that she thinks might show up during a physical.

Hopefully we find out more and soon.

May 8th, 2012, 07:40 PM
Alright, here's my crackpot theory because someone mentioned military shots for Angel, Michael, and Saul. They got the anthrax shot series. The strand that the military used for that series is based off of cattle anthrax, or so that's how the story goes. Tanya is a veterinarian. She would most likely have had exposure to similar vaccines or access to them to treat cattle and sheep. That's my connection between Tanya and Saul. I think Tanya, after testing out some variants on others and then herself, just upped his immunity/resistance to this zombie plague since it's possibly related to an anthrax bacteria.
Ok, my steam has run out now...

May 9th, 2012, 01:27 AM
One thing we may be forgetting as far as immunizing things given in the army is the small-pox vaccine. When Michael brings the photo of Saul to Tanya, she recognizes the typical immunization scar/pattern associated with it. this is an immunization that Michael Saul and Angel would have all received. Tanya might have... anyways, its another theory.

The Captain *or whatever he was called* At the base in the first Chapter when Saul swerves to hit him as a zombie, he would have had the same small pox..right? Or do you just get that if you are deployed?that was never addressed tho but yeah if you have been deployed you prolly get some special shots. Lets Bstorm..Saul, Michael, Puck have been deployed..not sure about Angel. How would Tanya get those shots tho? Was Hope ever involved with the military? And suggested it? I dont know...I totally cant see Hopes big role. You guys are saying Hope will save the day...but I need answers!! Why do youthink this? Cause she has not done anything significant? IDK...I will think more...I am so tired I am typing with my eyes shut...and I am not checking my spelling or doing a reread..hope this makes sense!

May 9th, 2012, 12:15 PM
my theory is that they aren't immune, but resistant. Remember when Tanya said that they had a case of prolonged turning in the colony? how do we know she didn't change some details around...how do you know it wasn't her and she didn't fight it off with the natural resistance plus the drug cocktail she gave saul?
it would make sense as to why saul was ok in ground zero too, the theory may be the drugs, but i have a feeling that it is the fact that he is resistant

May 21st, 2012, 07:24 AM
I find it interesting that Saul can breath at ground zero, where I suspect you can get converted if unprotected, and Mama didn't turn (and I don't think she will)... Obviously an inherited immunity.

May 21st, 2012, 07:32 AM
There's quite a long thread somewhere on this, have a scout about, there are good points on it.

May 21st, 2012, 07:40 AM
Thanks again... seems I leave for a week and SO much is added it's impossible to find my way.... damn day job.

May 21st, 2012, 08:21 AM
I'm saying, If it ever happens that Tanya goes to ground zero and she can breath. And also Michael goes and can't breath then definately something is up lol

May 21st, 2012, 12:50 PM
The Captain *or whatever he was called* At the base in the first Chapter when Saul swerves to hit him as a zombie, he would have had the same small pox..right? Or do you just get that if you are deployed?that was never addressed tho but yeah if you have been deployed you prolly get some special shots. Lets Bstorm..Saul, Michael, Puck have been deployed..not sure about Angel. How would Tanya get those shots tho? Was Hope ever involved with the military? And suggested it? I dont know...I totally cant see Hopes big role. You guys are saying Hope will save the day...but I need answers!! Why do youthink this? Cause she has not done anything significant? IDK...I will think more...I am so tired I am typing with my eyes shut...and I am not checking my spelling or doing a reread..hope this makes sense!

you don't have to be in the military to get immunization for different diseases, if she worked as an aide worker of some kind in a third world nation, she would have received the same immunizations.

May 21st, 2012, 12:59 PM
One thing we may be forgetting as far as immunizing things given in the army is the small-pox vaccine. When Michael brings the photo of Saul to Tanya, she recognizes the typical immunization scar/pattern associated with it. this is an immunization that Michael Saul and Angel would have all received. Tanya might have... anyways, its another theory.

The last time the small pox vaccine was offered in the United States was early 1972. I was one of the last children to receive it as a vaccine. I got my second small pox in 1986 in boot camp. Its no longer given to new military recruits. I'm not sure if its offered even for over seas aide work as the last known outbreak was in Somalia in 1977. Its pretty much a defunct disease. I think the last known samples are Russia and the USA..

May 21st, 2012, 08:29 PM
The last time the small pox vaccine was offered in the United States was early 1972. I was one of the last children to receive it as a vaccine. I got my second small pox in 1986 in boot camp. Its no longer given to new military recruits. I'm not sure if its offered even for over seas aide work as the last known outbreak was in Somalia in 1977. Its pretty much a defunct disease. I think the last known samples are Russia and the USA..

I got the smallpox vaccine in 1995, and then again in 2003. I think a couple of my co-workers got it in 2005. They're supposed to be good for 10 years, so I should ask my doc if I'll have to get it again. I don't mind, because NO ONE believed I got it the first time in '95 until they saw my shot records, so I'm willing to keep on getting it.

May 21st, 2012, 08:36 PM

i love your sig line.

Thanks. It's paraphrased from a Redd Foxx joke I heard so it's not original.

May 21st, 2012, 10:05 PM
I got the smallpox vaccine in 1995, and then again in 2003. I think a couple of my co-workers got it in 2005. They're supposed to be good for 10 years, so I should ask my doc if I'll have to get it again. I don't mind, because NO ONE believed I got it the first time in '95 until they saw my shot records, so I'm willing to keep on getting it.

It's not a shot persay it's a series of shallow punctures that leaves a rather distinct scar the info I got was direct from the CDC and personal experience. Are you sure your not getting it confused with a tetanus vaccination.?

May 24th, 2012, 07:14 PM
It could be a shot, It could be genetics, i'm still sticking to my guns that their is something fishy with that family "Victor Voice"

who knows?
May 25th, 2012, 08:23 AM
Or it could just be something to do with the IV drips. Saul clearly has one that we can assume aided him somehow. Tanya is a medical personal, meaning that she has access to a large variety of drugs both before and after her bite incident. It could just be coincidence that she was somehow on medication for something that prevents the zombie infection?

May 25th, 2012, 03:35 PM
It's not a shot persay it's a series of shallow punctures that leaves a rather distinct scar the info I got was direct from the CDC and personal experience. Are you sure your not getting it confused with a tetanus vaccination.?

Oh no, I got that smallpox thingie. Like you, I got stuck a couple of times (3 the first time, I believe, and 15 for the follow-up). Shot records confirmed it and the medic at the time of the 2nd time saw the scar from the first time.

May 29th, 2012, 07:09 AM
Occam's razor people, the simplest answer is often correct. They are naturally immune to whatever turns other people into zombies and will be a thread of hope for lasting human survival. I'm sure their blood will end up being used to develop anti-bodies.

May 29th, 2012, 07:18 AM
Hope is the answer.

Stop making me repeat myself!

May 29th, 2012, 07:25 AM
Hope is the answer.

Stop making me repeat myself!

lol, I see a pattern developing with you....you seem to like Hope or something....?

(Personally, I think she's Micheal and Scratch's secret love child) ---not really, but WOW!, wouldn't that be something!?!?

May 29th, 2012, 07:28 AM
lol, I see a pattern developing with you....you seem to like Hope or something....?

While I am prepared to almost certainly be proved wrong, until I am, I will be maintaining my stance that in some way Hope provides some kind of antidote/immunity/vaccination. Gosh I’m stubborn!

(When Riley and Vee hook up (just waiting for these scenes to be written), they will probably adopt Hope)

May 29th, 2012, 08:04 PM
I'm new to this site and show I just finished listening to them all with my father. One thing we both noticed was that Saul and his mother seem to just know when someone is alive. Saul knew Burt or someone was in that room, Saul knew his dog was alive and ok same with his mother before the met up again but he also knew she was on that chopper, and Tanya knew knows Saul is alive I belive she said it already. Going back to Saul he had no way to know that the blood in the store from tar cutting Lizzy was her but he knew. I'm probably way off but I think that might be important and has somthing to do with them fighting off the infection.

Cabbage Patch
May 29th, 2012, 08:58 PM
I'm new to this site and show I just finished listening to them all with my father. One thing we both noticed was that Saul and his mother seem to just know when someone is alive. Saul knew Burt or someone was in that room, Saul knew his dog was alive and ok same with his mother before the met up again but he also knew she was on that chopper, and Tanya knew knows Saul is alive I belive she said it already. Going back to Saul he had no way to know that the blood in the store from tar cutting Lizzy was her but he knew. I'm probably way off but I think that might be important and has somthing to do with them fighting off the infection.

Interesting point, reinforced by today's episode where Saul seems sure that Lady and his mother are okay. Are you thinking its some sort of psychic connection, or powerful wishful thinking?

May 30th, 2012, 12:43 AM
Saul and Tanya are downloading 'We're Alive'.

May 30th, 2012, 08:18 AM
has anyone thought that since Tanya is "immune" that she figured out a drug cocktail to stop the transformation? She did say she "studied" several people in various stages of infection, WHICH would mean she used a variety of drug combos to see what will slow/stop/kill the infection!

I would also think she used herself as a guinea pig when she was bit and also used it on Saul after his injury to insure his protection against the infection...

Anyone think this is the most likely of the scenarios?

May 30th, 2012, 08:20 AM
has anyone thought that since Tanya is "immune" that she figured out a drug cocktail to stop the transformation? She did say she "studied" several people in various stages of infection, WHICH would mean she used a variety of drug combos to see what will slow/stop/kill the infection!

I would also think she used herself as a guinea pig when she was bit and also used it on Saul after his injury to insure his protection against the infection...

Anyone think this is the most likely of the scenarios?

That is a very high possibility. If she had something that she believed could work, why not use it on herself after she was bit. And since it seemed to work on her, of course she would use it on her son Saul to keep him alive. Very high possibility there

Jul 3rd, 2012, 08:00 AM
Saul and Lizzy's baby is going to be the "cure" bum dum dum

Jul 3rd, 2012, 10:58 PM
Can we confirm that Sauls first encounter with Zombie blood was actually at the very beginning when he first cut off the Zombies head in the garage of the tower? This happens in the first chapter. Saul was supposed to leave his bloodied knife down stairs but brought it up anyways, and he says he washed it off... but how I wonder?

Jul 4th, 2012, 12:09 AM
Can we confirm that Sauls first encounter with Zombie blood was actually at the very beginning when he first cut off the Zombies head in the garage of the tower? This happens in the first chapter. Saul was supposed to leave his bloodied knife down stairs but brought it up anyways, and he says he washed it off... but how I wonder?

That was the first time he had "close contact". Saul just said he "cleaned it off" so I doubt he used water. If it were me I would have just used a clean part of the clothes of the headless zombie.

Jul 4th, 2012, 04:34 AM
has anyone thought that since Tanya is "immune" that she figured out a drug cocktail to stop the transformation? She did say she "studied" several people in various stages of infection, WHICH would mean she used a variety of drug combos to see what will slow/stop/kill the infection!

I would also think she used herself as a guinea pig when she was bit and also used it on Saul after his injury to insure his protection against the infection...

Anyone think this is the most likely of the scenarios?

i have to say though, why now that she is under quarantine, she wouldnt shout this amazing cure from the rooftops! doesnt make sense... if she has the combination to slow/stop/kill the infection then kimet and micheal shouldve been the first people she shouldve told... i follow the theory that their (tanya and saul) blood line has a natural immunity to the infection. humans when turned act differently, some turn into normals others little ones, jumpers etc... so why wont a percentage of humans be immune ( thinking Will Smith in I am Legend). the total number of characters explored so far is pretty small compared to the earths populous.
i think its pretty much already written that lizzy's child will bring forth the cure/vacination for all remainig humans. i was thinking maybe lizzy gets attacked during labour, maybe bitten but baby arrives fine... dunno just speculation at this point!!

Jul 4th, 2012, 11:23 AM
Thats been my take on it...about immunity and the baby...
I never fell for that drug cocktail theory, Saul was wounded for quite some time before his mom provided the anti-biotics, plus as mentioned above, there were other possible opportunities for him to potentially get infected, which he did not. I'm sure his immunity plays into the signifigance of the baby.

I've noticed that KC seems to constantly get zombie blood on Saul, yet Saul is so nonchalant about it. It's like he's trying to tell us he's immune and Saul knows it without just coming right out and saying it.

Sep 24th, 2012, 12:29 PM
I'm a little late to the party but better late than never, right? One thing that seems to be mentioned several times - and forgive me if this has already been mentioned - is that Tanya has mentioned several times that she can not find any differences between the zombie's skin and blood samples and her own. Has she had a chance to compare them against another person's samples? I'm not sure if that is relevant but if there IS some sort of infection or latent immunity to the zombie disease (dunno what else to call it) then wouldn't it make sense that her blood would look the same as the zombie's? This could be more proof of that immunity.

Oct 22nd, 2012, 04:19 PM
Is it just me, or does Saul & his Mom have a natural resistance? Thinking of the close calls Saul has had, his reaction to ground zero, and his mom's wound... something is there that makes others think she should turn... Not everyone seems so resiliant.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 12:20 PM
Tanya actually says that the antibiotics were tried on the slow turner in Chapter 20. Also, note that she goes straight for the most powerful antibiotics she had available instead of building up to it with others. Another breadcrumb is CJ's suspiscion that the drugs have something to do with Saul's immunity at Ground Zero. Also supporting the drug solution is the fact that we have not seen evidence of anyone else being immune other than Saul and Tanya.

This raises some questions.
Lizzie's baby immunity? If Saul was born immune then this is plausible. If he is immune via drugs then this doesn't help the baby as he was concieved BEFORE Tanya arrives with the antibiotics.
If he was not born immune then how did he fight infection for so long? Is he a slow turner? If so then why did Tommy turn so fast? Is slow turnerism a genetic trait? Why didn't the antibiotics help the first slow turner? Maybe Saul wasn't infected after all.
Perhaps the alcohol in his blood slowed the infection. He was the MOST pissed drunk at the party.

Red Shirt
Aug 29th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Well shucks... I've been sitting on this because I missed out on the discussion during my on again, off again absence.

I think that the "genetically inherited" immunity is a red herring, and the immunity is actually simpler.

Anthrax Vaccination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_vaccines). If you are in the military and leave the country, you are going to get the Anthrax vaccination series. Tanya is a veterinarian and although all suggestions seem to point to her being a domestic pet specialist, I would say that it is possible that she also received the vaccination series. Usually, veterinarians that work with livestock will get them but LA is a big city with a lot of diverse cultures that may have "unusual" pets or even try to keep livestock at home. It may even be possible that Saul had the Anthrax Vaccination prior to the Army, working with his mom like he did.

Then again, maybe it isn't that simple. Tanya is old enough to have received the Small Pox Vaccination in her youth, Saul, like the Anthrax, would have received the Small Pox Vaccination before leaving the country for deployment. It could be a combination of the two. A trip to Ground Zero could sort it out. Michael, Muldoon and Robbins would all have had both, Puck not likely.

Aug 30th, 2013, 04:14 AM
Well shucks... I've been sitting on this because I missed out on the discussion during my on again, off again absence.

I think that the "genetically inherited" immunity is a red herring, and the immunity is actually simpler.

Anthrax Vaccination (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_vaccines). If you are in the military and leave the country, you are going to get the Anthrax vaccination series. Tanya is a veterinarian and although all suggestions seem to point to her being a domestic pet specialist, I would say that it is possible that she also received the vaccination series. Usually, veterinarians that work with livestock will get them but LA is a big city with a lot of diverse cultures that may have "unusual" pets or even try to keep livestock at home. It may even be possible that Saul had the Anthrax Vaccination prior to the Army, working with his mom like he did.

Then again, maybe it isn't that simple. Tanya is old enough to have received the Small Pox Vaccination in her youth, Saul, like the Anthrax, would have received the Small Pox Vaccination before leaving the country for deployment. It could be a combination of the two. A trip to Ground Zero could sort it out. Michael, Muldoon and Robbins would all have had both, Puck not likely.

Good theory. They only folks we have 1st hand evidence of a Ground Zero are Saul and Victor. We have so little to go on for Victor, though, regarding whether any of these might apply to him. CJ's people went there and at least one turned but I think they all got sick. Little likelihood of any of them being overseas veterans? Probably.

We have seen other soldiers turn but no idea about their backgrounds. Several were Fort Irwin people and we know some from Michael/Saul/Angel's Guard unit as well. No direct information, but I have to think that since the Guard unit had at least 2 guys that had been over, they probably had others. Same for Irwin.

Anyway, I'm still not firmly in the genetic immunity camp. There are several things that Tanya and Saul have in common beyond DNA....

Aug 30th, 2013, 04:39 AM
Good theory. They only folks we have 1st hand evidence of a Ground Zero are Saul and Victor. We have so little to go on for Victor, though, regarding whether any of these might apply to him. CJ's people went there and at least one turned but I think they all got sick. Little likelihood of any of them being overseas veterans? Probably.

We have seen other soldiers turn but no idea about their backgrounds. Several were Fort Irwin people and we know some from Michael/Saul/Angel's Guard unit as well. No direct information, but I have to think that since the Guard unit had at least 2 guys that had been over, they probably had others. Same for Irwin.

Anyway, I'm still not firmly in the genetic immunity camp. There are several things that Tanya and Saul have in common beyond DNA....

I think Victor and Pegs got a taste of Ground Zero when they strayed on their way to LAX. Poor victor has gotten it twice

Red Shirt
Aug 30th, 2013, 04:42 PM
Good theory. They only folks we have 1st hand evidence of a Ground Zero are Saul and Victor. We have so little to go on for Victor, though, regarding whether any of these might apply to him. CJ's people went there and at least one turned but I think they all got sick. Little likelihood of any of them being overseas veterans? Probably.

We have seen other soldiers turn but no idea about their backgrounds. Several were Fort Irwin people and we know some from Michael/Saul/Angel's Guard unit as well. No direct information, but I have to think that since the Guard unit had at least 2 guys that had been over, they probably had others. Same for Irwin.

Anyway, I'm still not firmly in the genetic immunity camp. There are several things that Tanya and Saul have in common beyond DNA....

That's a good point and a complication for this train of thought. We know that at least one of CJ's crew was SWAT, s/he was on the convoy that got hit. I think it's likely that there were several cops and prior service at Dunbar.

The attack on Bell, the Reserve Base in the beginning... I have a feeling that it is likely that of that horde, many were the very Reservists that were trying to get there. I also suggest that they got attacked on the way to the Reserve Center rather than succumbing to the Inglewood Haze. Now, this could be chalked up as special pleading, but I think there might be a difference between succumbing to the haze and turning due to getting attacked... The soldiers we have seen or have evidence of turning were the result of direct attack.

Jul 28th, 2014, 09:10 AM
Boom Baby! Finally get the answer to my 3 year old guess!

Jul 28th, 2014, 03:23 PM
In T-minus 27 hours - unless you got the finally experance early.