View Full Version : Modified "L" ambush

Jun 20th, 2011, 05:25 PM

This is my modification of the L shaped Ambush.
Light fire team @B
Heavy fire team @C
Defensive cover Door, wall with fire holes or etc.
Pull the zombies from A to B

The job of fire team bravo is to slow the zombies up. Kill the ones and the two maybe even the threes. Zombies usually travel in a normal distribution. A few, a lot, holy shit, a lot, a few. The goal is to get a sea of zombies bunched up in hallway A to B. Then, fire team bravo turtles. Stop firing, button up armor.

Fire team Charlie opens with light weapons to draw zombies from B to C. When zombies are heavily in B to C hallway, open up with SAW or .50cal that has been positioned at upper level of the chest. The aim is to use the over-penetration of the FMJ rounds to kill more than one zombie. At this close range, raising the aim will cause over-penetration to hit the ceiling rather than going straight towards the far wall.

This is a very heavy kill zone. In no time there will be bodies upon bodies upon bodies. Initially this causes zombies to trip and slows their advance. Soon a virtual wall of bodies will be built up. At this point, go back to smaller weapons. When a head pops up to climb over kill it. Aim for one shot ne kill to save ammo.