View Full Version : Which Couple Should Hook Up?

Jun 11th, 2011, 07:47 PM
If you have been following the WND podcast, you know the We're Alive romantic couples have been getting more than a little abuse from the commentators. While Michael and Pegs are such a boring couple (I'm looking at you, Britt Bomrockerocker), Saul and Lizzy's reckless actions are bound to catch up to them and bring their Romeo and Juliet romance to its gripping conclusion.

But who isn't looking for a little love at the end of the world? With so many attractive characters to choose from, which couple is your pick to be next to hook up?

Note: Don't think of this as a prediction but just who you would most want to see

Riley & Angel
Riley & Scratch
Tanya & Burt
Tanya & Datu
Kelly & Victor
Kelly & Kalani
Other (specify)

Jun 11th, 2011, 07:49 PM
Riley and a bullet.

I'd be happy if that happened.

Jun 11th, 2011, 07:55 PM
I like the Riley & Angel and the Kelly & "Don't Call Me Vic". Mix these couples and a few of the Red Shirts having kids and I think KC has an awesome next series called "The Children of The Tower" or something like that. You could set it 20 years down the road where the children have all grown up and the only life they know is fighting zombies and survival. You'd have the "Old Timer" Hope who is kind of a leader (even though she is blind) and tells tales of the world as it was and the kids would be all doubtful of things like the internet, fast food, and going to movie theatres. I think that'd be a pretty good show...

Jun 11th, 2011, 07:56 PM
I like the Riley & Angel and the Kelly & "Don't Call Me Vic". Mix these couples and a few of the Red Shirts having kids and I think KC has an awesome next series called "The Children of The Tower" or something like that. You could set it 20 years down the road where the children have all grown up and the only life they know is fighting zombies and survival. You'd have the "Old Timer" Hope who is kind of a leader (even though she is blind) and tells tales of the world as it was and the kids would be all doubtful of things like the internet, fast food, and going to movie theaters. I think that would be a pretty good show...


Jun 11th, 2011, 07:58 PM
I like the Riley & Angel and the Kelly & "Don't Call Me Vic". Mix these couples and a few of the Red Shirts having kids and I think KC has an awesome next series called "The Children of The Tower" or something like that. You could set it 20 years down the road where the children have all grown up and the only life they know is fighting zombies and survival. You'd have the "Old Timer" Hope who is kind of a leader (even though she is blind) and tells tales of the world as it was and the kids would be all doubtful of things like the internet, fast food, and going to movie theatres. I think that'd be a pretty good show...

For serious. Start writing it!

Jun 11th, 2011, 08:14 PM
I don't want to step on KC's toes on that... I don't know who survives and who dies. But I have thought long and hard about the future that the Hypothetical child of Saul and Lizzie is going to live in. I know that KC has talked about spin off's and whatnot and I kinda hope that this is a possibility so I don't want to jinx it or meddle in KC's universe.

That said I do have that "Minds Eye" of a youngish dude in tattered dusty clothes holding a rifle at the low ready with his face covered with a scarf overlooking the rubble of LA. You can't see his face but he's got dark skin like his father but his mothers blue eyes...
I'll leave it at that or I will start writing LOL

Jun 11th, 2011, 08:33 PM
Gah. Forgot to put down Kelly & Victor too... bollocks.

Jun 11th, 2011, 08:59 PM
Don't worry, Magrat. I'm pulling for that one too.

As for everyone else, don't feel like you have to pick just one. Let's get lots of these lonely hearts mingling

I also debated putting this one on the poll but for the community's consideration, do you think that there would have ever been a chance for Hope & Tommy? Before he turned into a zombie I mean

Jun 12th, 2011, 01:04 AM
Angel and Riley were good together during the Arena. If they could recapture some of that it would be interesting. As it stands now Angel is pretty oblivious to all things Riley. He doesn't even seem particularly bothered she's drunk all the time. We need to find some sort of maturity ray and zap the hell out of him.

The two providing the most fun currently are Kelly and Victor. I really have to hand it to Tammy Klein and Otto Sturcke. They have great timing with their little back-and-forths. Victor's exasperation and Kelly's complete unwillingness to accept it are always amusing.

Jun 12th, 2011, 01:27 AM
That said I do have that "Minds Eye" of a youngish dude in tattered dusty clothes holding a rifle at the low ready with his face covered with a scarf overlooking the rubble of LA. You can't see his face but he's got dark skin like his father but his mothers blue eyes...
I'll leave it at that or I will start writing LOL

For the record Lizzie has green eyes. There is a continuity error in Chapter 2 where it is said she has blue, but later episodes and KC confirm them to be green. Sorry that was my nerdy "everything has to be correct" part that nags me.

I want to see Riley and Angel together, but not this drunken Riley, I would rather he was with sober Riley. Kelly and Victor would be cute. Burt is too in love with his dead wife remembered in the form of his Desert Eagle (future wife, if you die first I will name one of my guns after you and cherish it). I don't want Burt to hook up. Tanya, int he way I hear her, just sounds like such a mom to me that I can't think of her as getting with anyone. If Tommy were still alive, I could see him and Hope hooking up, "So uh, we're the only ones here below 18, let's kiss" or something.

Jun 12th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I like the Riley & Angel and the Kelly & "Don't Call Me Vic". Mix these couples and a few of the Red Shirts having kids and I think KC has an awesome next series called "The Children of The Tower" or something like that. You could set it 20 years down the road where the children have all grown up and the only life they know is fighting zombies and survival. You'd have the "Old Timer" Hope who is kind of a leader (even though she is blind) and tells tales of the world as it was and the kids would be all doubtful of things like the internet, fast food, and going to movie theatres. I think that'd be a pretty good show...

We Were Alive - " A story of how we almost made it." or a podcast about _______?

Oct 25th, 2011, 09:07 PM
Lizzy and Riley is what needs to be happenin

Jan 21st, 2013, 12:15 PM
Riley and no dudes!! Waiting hardcore on that one!!!

Jan 21st, 2013, 12:17 PM
Please, please, please Keep a gay character

Mar 28th, 2013, 06:11 PM
THE CHILDREN OF THE TOWER!!!! That would be the most awesome thing ever