View Full Version : Favourite Actor and/or Actress

May 19th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Hello children! It's your friendly neigbourhood movie junkie here, wondering what your favourite actor and/or actress is. We all know that the actors often make the movies, as we can see with people like our dear Jim Gleason pimping Michael every week.

My favourite actor of all time is Will Smith. He has been since I saw I'Robot with my dad when I was young. I have never seen a movie with him I didn't like and I love the variety of roles he can successfully play.

My second favourite is gonna have to be Kate Beckinsale. She's beautiful and one hell of an actress. She has played awesome roles in movies like Underworld and Van Helsing, and did it well!

(I felt like Three Dog when I was typing this!)

May 19th, 2011, 08:52 PM
Depends on the genre really. As far as comedy goes, my favourite actor would have to be Nick Frost. Watching Spaced had a huge impact on me. Frost was absolutely brilliant in it. My favourite comedic actress would have to be Jewel Staite. She's got a brilliant sense of timing and a wonderful way of delivering lines. Moving to dramatic roles, it becomes a little more tricky. One of my favourite dramatic actors is Morgan Freeman. He's got a natural calm about him and his voice is almost hypnotic. The actress taking this honour would have to be Cate Blanchett, beautiful and has the ability to say so much with just her eyes. This brings me to action/adventure films. I've got say as far as action heroes, one of my all time favourite male leads would have to be Bruce Willis... come on... John McClane, enough said. The only woman that I've seen in an action film that I truly believed would be Uma Thurman. Hate to admit this, but Kill Bill was epic. Rounding out the big four, horror. I've got to go with Bruce Campbell. No reasons other than all of the 'horror' films he's made over the last three decades. From Evil Dead to The Man With The Screaming Brain (which wasn't truly horror, but hey... Stacy Keach!). Finally, my favourite horror actress, hands down, without question... Jamie Lee Curtis. Halloween, The Fog, Prom Night...

I could go into sub-genres but that would be time consuming and highly tedious.