View Full Version : BB Codes

TCM Revolver
Mar 28th, 2011, 09:08 PM
Enclosed are some commonly used bb codes around the forum. When using BB codes, make sure to wrap each entry with []
[b], [i], [u] -- Bold / Italic / Underline
[color=] -- Color (Hex Code or Color name)
[size=] -- Size
[font=] -- Font
[left], [right], [center] -- Left / Right / Center

[indent] -- Indent
[url] -- URL Hyperlinking
[post] -- Post Linking

[list] -- Bulleted Lists / Advanced Lists
[img] -- Images
[quote] -- Quote
[attach] -- Attachment
[s] -- strikethrough
[spoiler] -- Spoiler
[tab] -- indent a single line
[sup] -- put an item in superscript

[list] will use separating each bullet point, along with a line return to terminate each item.
To make a [list] a numbered list, change the tag to [list=1]