View Full Version : Nice review from Fan

Feb 25th, 2011, 02:58 PM
I wanted to share this:

AUTHOR:Zombieshepherd (no email)

COMMENT:There has been alot of Zombie or apocalyptic fiction over the ears, some are especially good while most seem to be derived of earlier works or resort to using cheesy and easily spotted character types. I'd say this ongoing saga is one of the best examples of a zombie outbreak scenario. The cast and production are obviously top-notch and the story is well thought out and detailed as far as the setting and geography of the locations where the story unfolds. The characters are diverse and run the gambit of possible survival outcomes. Also, the various communities and groups that sprung up as a result of the outbreak are interesting and it's fun to watch them compete in a way and see which ones fare better than the others. Also, the different behavior patterns, tactics, and even different types of zombies out there makes for a nearly constant unsettling and creepy experience. It was also fun how the tower dwellers were taking stabs at understanding how the zombies tick using bottles of sweat and tracking devices. There are alot of different factors involved in telling a story of this type and for the most part, i think you have accounted for most, if not all of them. I've been listening in since near the middle of season one and want to find out where the journey takes this ragtag band of survivors, and ultimately, what was it that started the outbreak in the first place.

Feb 25th, 2011, 03:08 PM
Well... it's all true!

Wicked Sid
Feb 25th, 2011, 05:19 PM
Well written, the woman or man deserves a round of applause.

Feb 25th, 2011, 06:19 PM
well said. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb418/cycogod/koolaid.jpg